Our Story

The company was founded in 2001. We grow and market fruits & vegetables.In addition We provide logistical and technical support to other fruit and vegetable producers. We produce, sell, and organise the delivery of fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables to international buyers.Our main export markets are Russia and the European Union. Our annual volume of sales is approximately 6,000 tonnes.

We produce around 60 tonnes of fresh fruit (strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries) on our own plantations, and purchase, store, and sort some 4,000 tonnes of fresh fruit from our network of 132 small-scale contract farmers throughout Serbia who mainly grow apples, raspberries, and blackberries) on our own plantations, and purchase, store, and sort some 4,000 tonnes of fresh fruit from our network of 132 small-scale contract farmers throughout Serbia who mainly grow apples.

We supply the Russian market with fruit and vegetables year-round, with some 3500 tonnes sold. We are producing around 6000 tonnes and sort, process, and packing. We have our own cold storage facility in Serbia but we also rent additional capacity in other regions of the country to ensure the produce can be frozen as quickly as possible after being harvested. Our frozen range is primarily based on raspberries (300 tonnes), cherries (1000 tonnes), blackberries (300 tonnes), plums (200 tonnes), peppers (300 tonnes), apricots 200t etc.

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